I am in need of a miniature for my big evil boss of the D&D campaign I am currently running.
This character's form is considered to be a large creature in this game, so the size of the mini needs to be at least 50mm at the base and at least 70mm in height. If the design is taller, I will be able to scale it down.
Noz'dhuk is an evil lich necromancer that was emprisoned in an alternate plane many centuries ago. The mini will be for when he gets liberated from his prison, then taking the form closest to what he remembers of himself, which is not much.
This form will resemble one of a half decomposed corpse, showing bones and rotting skin. Thin frail arms are attached to big claw-like hands with long fingers. The bottom half of Noz'dhuk is non existent. Being in the form of a ghost or spirit, he levitates above the ground.
His clothes are the old ones from when he was an archmage doing his research, thus a wizard robe, but aged, damaged and shredded. I am not decided on if he has a hood on his robes, i leave this to your creative choice.
Noz'dhuk has no weapons, he could have a spell book, but this is not mandatory. He could also have four arms, two for attacks and protection (more like beast arms) and the other other for general purpose like interacting with his spellbook, again not mandatory.
This miniature needs to be at least 50mm at the base and 70mm in height.
The delivered design must be in .stl file, to be easier to 3D print.
The design must include a broken down version of the miniature in multiple files, to be easier to 3D print. For example, one file for each arms, one for the base, one for the torso, etc.
The design can be all of the same color, as I will be painting the mini myself.
The design must resemble the style and esthetics of the image attached to this contest.
The clothes of the mini must have some details, like clips, design or jewels on them.
The base of the mini cannot be plain and flat. Add some rocks, corpses of some kind of environment to enhance the miniature.
I don't want a design that is too close to the known character Vecna, as I am pretty sure he will be compared to.
I don't want a design that is too hard to print. I the mini is detailed and complex, please separated the printing files in consequence.