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akshaicr $25/hr

Akshaikumar C.

3D Product Design Professional

  • 3D Models
  • 3D Animation
  • 3D Modeling
  • 2D Drafting
  • FEA
  • CAD Design
  • 3D Product Animation
  • 3D Texturing
  • 3D Design
  • 2D & 3D Modeling
  • Furniture 3D Rendering
  • 3D Architectural Visualization
  • Exploded Drawing Design
  • 3D Product Design
  • Rendering
  • 3D Animation Rigging
  • Compositing VFX
  • 3D Logo Animation
  • 3D Product Modeling
  • 3D Lighting
  • Cad Drafter and 3D Rendering
  • 360-Degree 3D Animation
  • 3D Furniture Modeling
  • 3D Simulation
  • 3D Design and Modeling
  • 2D & 3D Mechanical Design
  • 2D & 3D Engineering Design
  • AutoCAD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Blender
  • Davinci Resolve
  • 3D Solidworks

Last updated: Mar 21, 2025

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Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring 3D Product Design Professionals

3D product design is the process of creating a product using computer-aided design programs with the end goal of being able to sell it to a customer base by a business. It is a broad concept but it can be boiled down to the idea generation and development of a product through processes that lead to new designs. Therefore, it is a major component of new product development. The product design process is one that consists of a set of tactical and strategic activities that range anywhere between conceptualizing the design to actually commercializing it. Product designers often bring to life the concepts of designs and evaluate them to make sure they can be turned into actual products. At Cad Crowd, we offer 3D product designers who know the steps of design from start to finish and can bring your ideas to life.

The 3D product design process includes a number of different strategies that are taken in different ways depending on the designer. Either way, there are three main aspects involving product design, no matter which way you cut it: analysis, concept, and synthesis. Depending on the sort of product that is being developed, the last of these two are the ones that are most often revisited and it turns into a consistent loop where feedback becomes the main point of focus.

With analysis, accepting the situation is the first step. This means that the designers are going to decide on committing to the certain project in order to find a solution to their product at hand. These designers will then get all of their resources together in order to figure out how to solve this task in the most efficient manner. Then, analyzing the design comes next. During this stage, the designer or design team will start researching. They will get together information and materials both in a general and specific sense to help them figure out how to solve their problem. This can be anything from articles to questionnaires to statistics.

During the concept phase, it is important for designers to be able to define what the main problem is and work toward its solution. The conditions that the problems rests within turn into their objectives, and the restraints that are on the situation turn into the parameters where the new design has to be constructed. During the synthesis phase, the designers begin to brainstorm new ideas and solutions for their problems. Then, they must choose from the narrowed down lists of solutions and pick which ones they want to use to make the product. From there, prototypes are built and 3D designs are created. The product is then tested and sent on to production.

At Cad Crowd, we offer a variety of 3D product design experts for hire who can handle the design process. Each one has been vetted to ensure they are up for the job and you can stay in contact with them the whole time. Contact us today for a free quote on your project.

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