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Concept 3D Modeling Designer

  • 3D Modeling
  • Industrial Engineering
  • FEA
  • Concept Sketching
  • Simulation
  • Welding
  • FEM Analysis
  • Engineering Design
  • Conveyors
  • CAD Design
  • Conceptual Design
  • Part Modeling
  • Automation Design
  • CAD Drawing
  • Concept Development
  • Sheet Metal Parts Design
  • Product Rendering
  • Design Engineer
  • Rendering 3D Design
  • Concept 3D Modeling
  • Rendering
  • Automation Engineering
  • Pneumatic System Design
  • FEA Meshing Engineering
  • Drawing Mechanisms
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks
  • AutoCAD Mechanical
  • Siemens NX (Unigraphics)
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Office

Last updated: Mar 21, 2025

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Trusted by:
Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring Concept 3D Modeling Designers

Concept 3D modeling is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any sort of object by modeling its surface. This can be both inanimate or living models alike, and it models its surface in a three dimensional manner. Once the model has been rendered using a computer aided design program, it can then be printed using 3D printing if so desired, or kept on the program for the simple ability to examine and analyze the model. Models can be created manually or automatically by entering in different calculations or preparing geometric data for 3D computer graphics. At Cad Crowd, no matter what you need 3D modeled and no matter the reason, we offer access to freelance 3D modeling designers who can get the job done.

3D modeling helps to represent a physical item by using a number of different collections of points in a three dimensional space. These points are generally connected by using curved surfaces, lines, triangles, and more. Because the data is shown as a collection, 3D models are able to be made by hand, scanned into a computer aided design program or through algorithms and procedural models. If the surfaces need to be further designed and detailed, they can be defined using texture mapping, which helps to make them more realistic for analyzation.

3D modeling can be used in a number of different fields, such as the medical field, which use them to get detailed models of organs and other parts. The film industry will use 3D modeling practices for making objects and characters for both motion pictures and animated movies. The video game industry also uses 3D modeling in order to create assets on theory games, and the architecture industry uses 3D modeling for things such as the demonstration of proposed buildings and other entities such as landscapes. Engineers are able to use 3D modeling in order to help them design new vehicles, devices, and structures to analyze and craft the entities in a simulated environment before spending time creating physical models or beginning work on the project itself. This can save time and money for everyone involved.

Most three dimensional models can be split up into two different categories: solid and shell/boundary models. Solid models show the volume of the object they are modeling, such as rocks. They are typically used for medical simulations and engineering, often built using constructive solid geometry. Shell/boundary models show the surface of the object instead of its volume. Most of the visual models in film and video games are made this way.

No matter what field you work in or what your need is for 3D modeling, Cad Crowd can help. We offer you the chance to easily connect with highly vetted 3D modeling freelancers who can complete your project and return it to you both on time and within budget. You can also stay in contact with your freelance 3D modeling designer the entire time they work to keep up to date on your project. Contact Cad Crowd now for a free quote.

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