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Yodi Supriadi m.

Geometric Design and Modeling Designer

  • Interior Design
  • Engine Design
  • CAD Design
  • Geometric Design and Modeling
  • AutoCAD
  • SolidWorks

Last updated: Mar 3, 2025

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FAQ for Hiring Geometric Design and Modeling Designers

Also known as geometric modeling, geometric design is one of the branches of computational geometry that deals with the representation and construction of free-form curves, volumes, and surfaces. One of its core problems is the simplest geometric shape - the circle, especially the curves that comprise it. 

In earlier civilizations, religion, art, science and math are not separate entities, but a broad and fluid field. Geometry was nothing more than numbers that are made visible, with early geometers clearly understanding the relationship between geometric shapes and numbers. During these times, the numbers 1, 2, 3 and so on are more than just shorthand symbols. They represent something meaningful, resulting in patterns of geometric art that graced sacred structures all over the world. 

Fast forward to today, geometric modeling remains a core aspect of design, as it primarily studies manipulation and construction of curves and surfaces based on a set of points given by a polynomial, piecewise polynomial, rational, or piecewise rational methods. 

The most important instruments used in geometric modeling are:

  • Parametric approach
  • Parametric curves 
  • Parametric surfaces 
  • Non-parametric approach
  • Level set method 

This branch of computational geometry is used primarily in aircraft, automotive, architectural design, and shipbuilding industries. But due to the wide reach of modern design and computer-aided design, even creating shampoo dispensers and perfume bottles can be done through geometric design. So, regardless of which industry you belong in, whenever you need object-oriented models and geometric models, you will find great value from freelance geometric designers from Cad Crowd. 

We have a huge community of designers, including geometric design freelancers, who are highly skilled and knowledgeable in a wide range of design services, such as CAD drafting, 3D modeling, and geometric design services. 

Our team of freelance geometric designers has extensive expertise in various aspects of design. This means they can branch out into other areas of design, if needed. Some of our geometric design and modeling designers have skills in various industries, including automotive, electronics and mechanics, with proficiency in prototypes, New Concept Design and Product Engineering. 

Given their combined expertise and experience, they’re also more than capable of using more than one type of design software. Besides, there is interdependency in software used in geometric design and modeling, such as AutoCAD, ANSYS, Civil 3D, Revit and SolidWorks. 

Interested in hiring geometric design Freelancers, or geometric design services? 

Cad Crowd can connect you with a pre-qualified and vetted freelance designer. We take out the hassle of recruitment by providing you with a reliable recommendation. Of course, you have the option to hire them directly, based on their member profiles on the Cad Crowd website. 

But if you really want to see their skills and choose the best one based on that, Cad Crowd offers a crowdsourced design contest, where you can host an open competition for the design you want done, and choose a winner out of the designs entered into the competition. 





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