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Chandra Harsha $38/hr

Chandra Harsha

OpenFOAM Designer

  • CAD Drafting
  • Machine Design
  • 3D Printing Design
  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Mechanical Design
  • CFD Analysis
  • Heat Transfer
  • IC Engine Design
  • Thermodynamics
  • CAD Design
  • Vehicle Design
  • Vehicle Dynamics
  • Automotive Design
  • Mechanical CAD Engineering
  • Aerodynamic Analysis
  • Mechanical Design and Analysis
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • CAD Designer
  • OpenFOAM
  • Simulink
  • GNU Octave

Last updated: Mar 3, 2025

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Yale University School of Medicine
Tiffany & Co.
CNOOC Limited
The Boston Consulting

FAQ for Hiring OpenFOAM Designers

OpenFOAM freelancers can cover a wide variety of projects and possibilities. Also known as Open-source Field Operation And Manipulation, OpenFOAM is a C++ toolbox that works with the creation of customizing numerical solvers, while also offering solutions related to pre or post-processing utility possibilities for the solution of continuum mechanics problems. This can include CFD, which is also known as Computational Fluid Dynamics. OpenFOAM services can naturally cover a diverse array of projects and possibilities. To that end, it is vital to trust what you need to a freelance OpenFOAM designer who knows what they are doing.

Cad Crowd can help. We make it easy to find the freelancers your project demands. With more than twelve thousand freelancers across the world, finding what you need has never been more straightforward. OpenFOAM freelancers understand the various strengths and weaknesses of this particular tool box. They will be able to apply the strengths to your unique project, while also making sure the weaknesses of the tool box do not become problematic. 

OpenFOAM services through Cad Crowd means you are looking for freelancers with a range of experience across a number of different projects. Cad Crowd gives you the ability to find one or several freelancers who will be able to apply the features of this toolbox to whatever you are trying to accomplish. The end result will be a project that is completed on time, as well as a project that meets all of the budget and other requirements that define your project.

The syntax for a tensor operation and/or partial differential equation is just one element to this project that you are going to want to keep in mind. The ability to create custom objects is another aspect to this product that you are going to want to keep in mind. This tool box is an impressive collection of possibilities. Unless you have a considerable amount of experience with OpenFOAM, you are going to need OpenFOAM freelancers who know what they are doing. 

With so many different possibilities that can be explored within OpenFOAM, it is important to make sure you are working with someone who has the experience necessary to take everything this tool box is capable of, and apply it to what you need. Working with the freelance OpenFOAM designer who knows what you are looking for is going to allow you to focus on other aspects of your project. Your project will benefit from profound experience on OpenFOAM’s true capabilities.

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