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Nivas $6/hr

Nivas S.

Strength of Materials Designer

  • FEA
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • CAD Design
  • Composite Materials
  • Design Development
  • Product Design
  • CAD Engineering
  • Strength of Materials
  • Mechanical Vibrations Engineering

Last updated: Feb 21, 2025

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FAQ for Hiring Strength of Materials Designers

Also called mechanics of materials, strength of materials is a topic that shows the different behaviors of solid objects when they are put under different strains and stresses. It began with considering the behavior of two dimensional parts of structures, those of which had stress and strains that were shown as two dimensional initially before being moved to three dimensions to help the theory become more complex to accommodate things such as plastic and elastic. This study refers to a variety of calculation methods on strains and stresses on members including shafts, columns, and beams. At Cad Crowd, we offer a wide variety of strength of materials freelancers who know how to test these things using computer aided design software for total accuracy.

Strength of materials covers a vast array of different loadings. One of them includes transverse loadings. This refers to forces applied to a longitudinal axis of a member in a perpendicular manner. This causes the member to deflect and bend from the starting position with compressive strains and internal tensile strains working with the change to accompany the new curvature of the part. It also induces shear forces that can be the cause of shear deformation of the member while also increasing the deflection of said member. Axial loading is another type of load, and that is where the forces that are applied are colinear and sit along the longitudinal axis of the member. These forces will make the member either shorten up or stretch out. Finally, torsional loading is the action of twisting using externally applied force in order to see how it will behave.

There are stress terms and strength terms as well. The stress terms include things such as compressive stress, tensile stress, and shear stress, each one putting its own unique forces on the member in order to test how it will react. Strength terms are also investigated, including compressive strength, yield strength, fatigue strength, tensile strength, and impact strength. Strain terms include deflection and deformation, while stress-strain relationships include the elasticity of the product. There are four main failure theories that are considered during these tests, including maximum normal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum distortion energy theory, and the maximum strain energy theory. All of these parts are a part of strength of materials, and while it can take a long time to learn what each of them means, the strength of materials freelancers at Cad Crowd are already well versed in such things.

With Cad Crowd, you can work with strength of materials designers to help you accomplish your goal and complete your project. When you work through us, you can stay in touch with the freelancer you are working with to keep tabs on the progress. Your project will be delivered back to you in both a timely and a cost-efficient manner. You can find your own freelancer or let Cad Crowd set you up with someone we think will be best. Talk to us for a free price estimation now.

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