Global rank:
51,132 / 94,841
Skill pts: 0
3D Modeling 3D Printing Modeling 3D Rendering Adobe InDesign CAD Design CAD Designer CNC Machining Computer Aided Design Luxion KeyShot Manufacturing Mathematics Product Design Production Drawings SigmaNEST Sketching Design SolidWorks


I'm an experienced designer based in London. My work is focused on producing quality results and making a significant impact.

I have been working as a CAD designer at a bespoke furniture company for nearly 4 years. Before this i completed my degree in Product design BSc at Leeds University, where i gained experience working on a range of projects in the healthcare, leisure and technology sectors.


  • CAD Desginer Savoir Beds Ltds · Full-time Nov 2019 – Present 5 yrs 4 mos London, England, United Kingdom CAD designer using solidworks, keyshot and cnc programmes to design and manufacture products.


  • Leeds University Product Design BSc, Product Design, 2:1 2014 – 2018 Activities and Societies: null - Received a first for my dissertation to design a product to help reduce physical aggression towards carers of dementia patients by monitoring the patients heart rate and using sensory devices to calm them down.

    - The project challenged me to design electronic prototypes with consideration for both UX and UI for users with limited functionality.


Joined: July 3, 2022

Last seen: July 3, 2022


United Kingdom