Global rank:
51,264 / 95,372
Skill pts: 0


I am a professional mechanical designer with:
• more than 4 years of experience in SolidWorks
• 5 years of experience in Photoshop
• 1 year of experience in Unity
• 2 years of experience in Mikropascal
• 2 years of experience in Pascal
• 1 year of experience in Arduino
• 7 years of experience in filmora
- If you look for skills, I can provide them for you : leadership, teamwork, problem solving, communication skills, agility...
- I will give flawless work in the due date, I anticipate developing both personally and professionally from a verity of experiences so if you found your brilliant idea, LET'S TURN IT INTO REALITY
I can design for you any idea (Mechanical parts, jewelry, machines, logo, toys...)
We will work together on the design development process step by step, the design will include all what you need from product sketches to final 3D models. If your idea is not entirely clear don't worry ! because I will help you to get a better image of what you want and need.


  • Pioneer High School Monastir High School diploma, Technology, 18.43/20 2017 – 2021 I have been a brilliant student throughout my studying career, being always among the toppers . I have studied in the ''Pioneer High School'', only pioneers and excellent students could attend this school because of the high quality education and hard studying system, to be able to study in this school I have passed special national hard exam and I was chosen as one of the few students who were qualified among the elite.


Joined: July 7, 2022

Last seen: June 11, 2024


Tunis, Tunisia