Global rank:
52,220 / 94,767
Skill pts: 0


Corinne graduated from Tyler School of Art at Temple University in Philadelphia with a B.F.A. in Ceramics and Metals/Jewelry/CADCAM including a Minor in Art History.


  • 3D MOdeler & Project Manager Antiquity Stone LLC · Full-time May 2022 – Present 2 yrs 10 mos Morrisville, PA, United States Management of Digital and CNC Milling Departments by supervising and completing multi-million dollar projects.
    Optimize CNC toolpaths
    Database organization & team workflow
    3D Polygonal mesh and NURBS surfaces are designed through ZBrush, Polyworks, Rhinoceros and PowerMill, then manufactured into physical products.


  • Temple University BFA, 3D, 3.82 2009 – 2013 Activities and Societies: CAD Lab Supervisor Tyler Ceramics Collective Officer Teacher Assistant