Global rank:
589 / 94,912
Skill pts: 67


During my 10 years of experience as an architect and interior designer, I managed,
designed and supervised the implementation of complex interior design layouts and
developed many innovative projects. One example is the original design approach for
kids furniture aimed at promoting the development of children’s cognitive and social
skills. Moreover, through comparison and analysis I administered and control budgets
for all projects with a successful track record. I also successfully dealt with clients,
suppliers and communicated with employees on all levels. Finally, I also studied Global
Sustainability and General Business at UCLA.


  • UCLA Los Angeles Certificate, General Business Studies 2015 graduation
  • UCLA Los Angeles Certificate, Global Sustainability 2013 graduation
  • Interior Design- European Institute of Design - IED - São Paulo, Brazil MBA, Interior Design 2007 graduation
  • University of Architecture and Urbanism Mackenzie – São Paulo, Architecture Bachelor´s Degree , Architecture Bachelor´s Degree 2004 graduation