Global rank:
0 / 94,602
Skill pts: 0


l love exploration to museums and galleries across the world, so return inspired, energized and brimming with new perspectives and ideas, which l can convey in their drawings and designs.

l'm able to jewelry design by hand draw or 3d software (rhinoceros) and vray

Currently l have worked as jewellery design in full time job ,communicating with customer and manufacturer to make the best item

Design Entries


  • The Gemmological Association of Great Britain Level 6 Diploma in Gemmology , Gemmology  2015 graduation
  • School of Continuing Education Hong Kong Baptist University Certificate of Advanced Jewellery Design , jewelry 2008 graduation

Age: 44

Joined: April 22, 2016


Tuen Mun, Hong Kong (SAR), Hong Kong