Global rank:
16,159 / 95,109
Skill pts: 0


My knowledge of and experience in using Solidworks is extensive. As a Mechanical Designer at my previous job, my role included guiding interns and new-hires through the process of modeling parts and assemblies to fit the engineering department’s standards. I was also tasked with producing large, detailed drawing packages for our fabrication shop to complete. Before that stage of production, the drawings had to go through an extensive review process by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. My job also included researching, costing and purchasing of components used on bridge cranes, gantry cranes, operator cabs and fish mitigation systems.
As an ambitious and capable individual, I have gained expertise in almost every corner of the mechanical designer profession.


  • Spokane Community College AAS, Welding/Fabrication 1990 graduation
  • Spokane Community College AAS , Architectural Drafting 1984 graduation