Global rank:
16,208 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0


I am currently employed as a full-time Drafter at an Architectural company but I am seeking part-time work to help expand experience and to make extra money on the side. I received my Computerized Assisted Drafting Certificate through Buckeye Career Center, and then continued on with my career as an employed drafter for about 3 years and counting. Since my projects belong to the companies that I work with, I am not able to attach any work samples to my profile or proposals, but I would love to discuss the different type of projects I have worked on (including Amazon distribution centers, LAX airport expansion, Union Hospital, and other projects in many locations from Santa Monica, to New York City.).

Aside from the experience I have, I am very dedicated worker and will strive to understand any necessary skills to complete the job correctly and efficiently.


  • Buckeye Career Center Technical Certificate , Computerized Assisted Drafting 2013 graduation


Age: 30

Joined: June 1, 2016


Carrollton, AL, United States