Global rank:
61,559 / 95,671
Skill pts: 0


As an ex-design engineer, I have a strong foundation in engineering principles and a proven track record of designing innovative and efficient solutions. My experience in this field has given me a deep understanding of various CAD software and the ability to apply them to create complex designs with accuracy and precision. I have extensive experience collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure that design projects are completed within the set timelines while adhering to the client's specifications. My expertise in 3 D modelling, simulation, and prototyping has enabled me to develop and deliver products that meet the highest standards of quality and performance.As a CAD freelance designer, I specialise in providing high-quality design solutions to clients across various industries. I have a comprehensive understanding of various CAD software, enabling me to create accurate and precise designs that meet the clients' requirements. With my expertise in 3 D modelling , I can provide clients with detailed prototypes and visualisations that allow them to understand and approve the final design. My attention to detail, creativity, and ability to work within strict timelines have enabled me to deliver successful projects to my clients consistently.


  • Global Technological University B. Tech, Mechanical Engineer, A 2016 – 2020 Activities and Societies: null


Joined: May 13, 2023

Last seen: October 8, 2023


English Professional working proficiency


Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India