Global rank:
63,479 / 93,937
Skill pts: 0


Specific area of design:
Earthing Design Calculation using software CYMGRD (such as preparation of input data for soil model and earth grid, modelling in the software & executing the results and compiling report) for various substations in U.A.E, K.S.A and Nigeria.
Lightning Protection System design and drawings (Risk Assessment Calculation and Bill of Quantity preparation for Earthing and Lightning Protection System installation materials) for various substations in U.A.E, K.S.A and Nigeria.
Preparation of Single Line Diagram, Schematic drawing.

Specific Area of Field Measurement:
Primarily involved in field testing of Earth grid, Soil resistivity measurement, Contact resistance, Earthing connection Integrity, Earth Rod (Rg) for substations and power stations in U.A.E.
Primarily involved in field testing of Earth grid for substations and power stations in U.A.E.


Joined: June 19, 2023

Last seen: July 25, 2023


Dubai, Dubayy, United Arab Emirates