Hello, I am currently an industrial engineer by trade. I graduated with a Mechanical Engineering and Technology degree. It's like a halfway point between ME and IE. Though out my college career I participated in a few design competitions such as SAE Baja and Make48. I worked with entrepreneurs to bring their napkin sketches to life. I love a good challenge and I look forward to working with you.
Industrial Engineer
Oshkosh Defense · Full-time
Aug 2021 –
3 yrs 7 mos
Spartanburg, SC, United States
Currently working on the launch of the new USPS vehicle. Tasked with optimizing assembly lines and project management for the various fixtures and manipulators needed to build the vehicle.
Industrial Engineer
Toyota Heavy Duty Fork Truck (Formally Hoist) · Part-time
Dec 2020 –
Jul 2021
7 mos
Hammond, IN, United States
Worked the launch of the first assembly line for the their most popular heavy duty truck. Worked in design and fabrication of fixtures for the line.
Design Engineer
CMEC Center PNW · Part-time
Aug 2019 –
May 2021
1 yrs 9 mos
Hammond, IN, United States
Working with local entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life. Tasked with creating multiple prototypes and using 3d printing and CNC machining to create them.
Purdue University Northwest
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Engineering
2017 – 2021
Activities and Societies:
SAE Baja
Stem on the road
COT ambassador
Make 48