Global rank:
71,205 / 95,358
Skill pts: 0


  • flour bluff none, none, 7th 2017 – 2029 (expected) Activities and Societies: I am involved in the flour bluff math team, which has continuously won sate in TMSA 38 years in a row going on 39 this year. Last year our team won 2nd place in state sweepstakes as 6th graders going up against 7th and 8th graders. First place was taken by our flour bluff 7th and 8th graders (junior high). I also competed in a writing competition in 5th grade winning third place, and i am planning to compete again this year. I have also won the science fair Mutiple times and have always made it to regionals at least except during covid, there was no state in 6th grade and below. The last thing is I am a competitive swimmer, I am hoping to become an Olympian before i am 20.


Joined: November 24, 2023

Last seen: November 24, 2023


Korean Elementary proficiency


Corpus Christi, TX, United States