Global rank:
72,060 / 93,863
Skill pts: 0


I am a perfectionist and very tireless.
Hours of creating new things and finding the best version of each piece. What I was always looking for
In my jewelry are: beauty and maximum creativity, precision. And details, because I believe in details
Make as much difference as those who pay attention to them. Creativity, will and
Perseverance is the trait that resonates with me the most because it doesn't have to
explained, but the results speak for themselves and this shows my presence in the world and
So my idea of ​​success


  • cad Jewelry designer 2rokh · Full-time May 2021 – Present 3 yrs 9 mos undefined, Iran

Joined: December 12, 2023

Last seen: December 12, 2023


English Professional working proficiency

