Global rank:
17,277 / 92,990
Skill pts: 0


I offer over six years of expertise in the fixture and gauge industry. Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to fixture and gauge designs, as well as manufacturing practices. Working within a shop setting has allowed me to see first hand each and every step it takes to design and build a precision fixture. These skills have provided me with the knowledge to thrive in this fast-paced world and inspire me to keep growing.

In July of 2015, I ventured out on my own and started freelancing as CR Fixture Design. I utilize SolidWorks to create all of my fixture designs, from 3D modeling all the way down to part prints for your shop floor. Please contact me if you have any questions, or would like to view my design portfolio. Thanks!


  • St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology Diploma, Mechanical Techniques - CAD/CAM 2001 graduation

Joined: October 3, 2016


Parham, Ontario, Canada