Global rank:
3,271 / 94,910
Skill pts: 9
2D AutoCAD 5 2D and 3D CAD Design CAD Design


I would like to further develop my skills to generate additional income through multitasking. and I am interested in working with many great engineers to develop my passion for designing.


  • Engineer Stone · Full-time Feb 2020 – Present 5 yrs 1 mos undefined, Mongolia chief engineer of iron and metal construction plant design


  • University of Science and Technology Bachelor, petroleum construction engineer, Bachelor 2014 – 2018 Activities and Societies: University of Science and Technology

Other experience

  • project engineer and designer Hello, I graduated from the University of Science and Technology in 2018 as a petroleum construction engineer. Since 2018, he has been promoted from a waterjet specialist to a senior product improvement engineer at the stone construction company. but now it's a pleasure to work with cad crowd great engineers. great people enjoy learning.

Licenses & Certifications

  • Bayandalai Ganbat University of Science and Technology Jul 2018 – Present See credential