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I am an engineer specializing in CFD simulations (Multiphysics, Multiphase & Electrochemical reaction) and design. Modeling of electrochemical devices such as batteries, fuel cells, and electrolyzers (Hydrogen). I have completed my Ph.D. in Fuel Cell Modeling in Chemical Engineering from NIT, Waranagl in 2022.
Experience in designing and optimizing fluid flow systems
Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail
Independently carried out CFD simulations for component-level and full system-level simulations
Adjoint Topology Optimization: Improve structural integrity or optimize fluid flow path
Study the CFD results and explain the physics behind specific flow patterns
Draft CFD report summarizing project objectives, approaches, findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the design changes.


  • Engineer-Design & Simulation Newtrace Pvt Ltd · Full-time Aug 2022 – Present 2 yrs 7 mos Bengaluru, KA, India Perform CAD cleanup, Surface Meshing using ANSA and Star-CCM+.
    Performed CFD simulations using Star-CCM+ and Simerics with best practices for accurate computational efficiency.
    Multiphase analysis using CFD to analyze fluid flow in electrolyzers/fuel cells to improve performance.
    Perform accurate CFD analysis for various Engineering problems (Steady/Transient, Internal/External flow, Multiphase flow, Heat transfer, CHT, Spray & Particle modeling, Porous Media Flow Simulation, Reacting flows (Combustion, Gasification), etc.
    Entire CFD lifecycle: problem analysis, CAD generation/healing, 3D meshing for CFD,
    CFD analysis, report writing, interpretation, and discussion with the team.
    CFD results are used to optimize the electrolyzer design for Manufacturing (DFA & DFM)
    Responsible for performing pre-processing, solution, and post-processing on local & high-performance cluster systems.
    Independently carried out CFD simulations for component-level and full system-level simulations
    Study the CFD results and explain the physics behind specific flow patterns
    Draft CFD report summarizing project objectives, approaches, findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the design changes.
    Adjoint Topology Optimization for design optimization
    Validation and Verification of CFD results with experimental data.
    Proficient in using relevant software such as STAR-CCM+, ANSYS, Fluent, and OpenFOAM


  • nit warangal P.hD in Chemical Engineering, Fuel Cell Modeling, A 2016 – 2022


Joined: May 25, 2024

Last seen: March 4, 2025


English Full professional proficiency


Bengaluru, India