Global rank:
80,340 / 95,043
Skill pts: 0
2D AutoCAD Autodesk Revit CAD Design blender 3d


  • Seon Stronghold Stronghold Aesthetics · Freelance Oct 2024 – Present 5 mos Saint Vincent and the Grenadines I started in 1998 doing Survey and Structural Engineering drawings using AutoCAD and Vectorworks. I then moved into Structural Engineering and Architectural work with the company, Stewart Engineering Ltd where I perfected AutoCAD and learned Revit, along with Blender.
    I resigned in 2019 and went Freelanced, this was the beginning of Stronghold Aesthetics.


  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines Technical College ,, Architecture 1996 – 1998 Activities and Societies: I own and am Chief Instructor at, Dragon-Ryu Karate; one of three Shotokan Karate Clubs in St. Vincent and the Grenadines that make up the Hairouna Karate Federation; officially a part of the World Karate Federation (WKF) I have no degree from any University. I had to leave school at 18 and work to put food on the table. Times were hard for my single mother and myself. I have learned in the field from Bosses who taught me design and all that comes with it, along with 26 years of experience in CAD and Construction Site Supervision.

Other experience

  • High end Homes Through my time for and with Stewart Engendering Ltd, I have worked on many homes in Mustique, including Terraces...a Two Hundred Million dollar estate.


Joined: May 27, 2024

Last seen: November 1, 2024


English Native or bilingual proficiency


Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines