Global rank:
81,462 / 95,528
Skill pts: 0
CAD Design SVG Vector Graphics WWW Design-Build


Former architect, Day One CAD moved into Day One WWW Design-Build now using Fusion360 to Design-Model-Print with Bambulab X1C via clintongallagher dot com


  • UWM School of Architecture and Urban Planning Bachelors Architectural Studies, Architecture and Urban Planning, null 1981 – 1986 Activities and Societies: Professional amateur musician: guitars, cadillacs and hillbilly music. I describe myself as a polymathic renaissance man.

Other experience

  • CAD, Construction, Marketing Manager I worked for William Roddis Jr. manufacturing custom wood windows and doors back in the 80s and 90s. William (Bill) was the son of William Sr. who back in the day was the owner-operator of Roddis Mills, Marshfield, WI; a world-reknown structural plywood engineer.

    Roddis Sr. was selected by Howard Hughes to engineer and manufacture the structural (birch) plywood used to build Hercules (aka the pejorative "Spruce Goose" by corrupt ignoramous Senator Owen Brewster who resided in the pocket of Hughe's airline competitor Pan American Airlines opposing Hughe's TWA vying for the U.S. War Department's long haul air cargo and troop transport contracts.)

    Hercules made aviation history on November 2, 1947 when the largest aircraft every constructed flew for ~1 mile proving Hughe's mastery of aviation engineering.

    My best war story?

    Saving the day for what could have amounted to ~$250,000 loss compelled to pay for the rebuilding of the Chicago Zoo's Visitor's Center when a masonry subcontractor failed to correctly read my shop drawings and constructed --all-- openings in the new brick masonry building incorrectly.

    Bill and I were called down to Chicago from Milwaukee to answer for our (apparent) gaff. When I showed the GC (General Contractor) my dimensioned drawings were 100% flawless pointing out the sub failed to read the dimension with A.F.F. notation next to the dimensioned unit value, the GC had to fold his hand and hold the sub accountable. Bill and I returned to Milwaukee triumphant.

    A.F.F. means "Above Finished Floor" as --everybody-- in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) business knows to be a standard architectural construction documentation drawing convention that won the day when Mr. Dumb Ass Subcontractor built the fenestration openings at the wrong height above the finished floor as specified by the architect on that job.

    That war story being one of my many examples of the quality and assurance I adhere to in my work to this very day.


Joined: June 18, 2024

Last seen: November 28, 2024


English Full professional proficiency

Spanish Limited working proficiency


Milwaukee, WI, United States