Global rank:
81,800 / 85,537
Skill pts: 0


30 years’ experience, drafter/designer cooper and fiber cables of telecommunication net. Strong understanding of utility distribution networks.
• Experience in the Fiber Optic deployment,
• Strong understanding of utility distribution networks,
• Experience troubleshooting Fiber optic issues,
• General understanding of Fiber optic cable system design and theory,
• Good ability in coverage planning, traffic planning and network emulation,
• Strong understanding of fixed, mobile and converged Telecommunication networks.
• Thorough with specified data communications protocol concepts
• In depth understanding about the fiber optic cable testing, splicing and provisioning
• Expert in handling tools like optical spectrum analyzers, tunable laser sources, optical fusion splicers, function generators, oscilloscopes, multi-meters,
• Ability to use technical terms to communicate verbally and in writing
• Good organization, multi-tasking, time management and documentation skills


Joined: July 3, 2024

Last seen: August 22, 2024


Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic