Global rank:
82,797 / 94,231
Skill pts: 0


I specialize as an HVAC designer/ electrical designer/BIM modeler in MEP for construction drawings. I can handle the tough task of detailing your existing HVAC/electrical shop drawings and updating them for you in the form of PDF's utilizing autocad or revit 2025 software.

I also specialize in BIM (Building information modeling) and can detect clashes in your model or assist with any changes needed to the model. I can purge your model of unnecessary sheets or links for better organization.

Whether its 2D drawings, 3D models, isometric, pipe, etc, I can detail it, draw it, and send it to you in a PDF to your standards.


  • Lone Star College Cy-Fair Autocad certificate, Drafting/ Design 2023 – 2023 Activities and Societies: Drafting, Drawing 2D game art.

Licenses & Certifications

  • AUTO CAD Lone Star College Jan 2023 – Present