Global rank:
83,969 / 84,883
Skill pts: 0


  • Structural Steel Detailer Mecwest · Full-time Jun 2018 – Jul 2024 6 yrs 1 mos undefined, WA, Australia Create set of Shop Drawings for Miscellaneous steel items showing required dimensions, welds, holes, locations. Use and Understand AutoCad, including basic concepts and basic drawing setup and creation. Use and Understand basic ProSteel 3D operation and detail processes.
  • Modeler, 2D Checker / Structural Steel Detailer T&G Drafting Corporation · Full-time Aug 2011 – Apr 2016 4 yrs 8 mos undefined, Philippines Create set of Shop Drawings for Miscellaneous steel items showing required dimensions, welds, holes, locations. Use and Understand AutoCad, including basic concepts and basic drawing setup and creation. Use and Understand basic ProSteel 3D operation and detail processes.

Joined: August 21, 2024

Last seen: August 27, 2024


Manila, Philippines