1 year experience in plastic Design in catia v5 R21
Spinta technology · Full-time
Feb 2024 –
1 yrs 1 mos Pune, MH, India
I have Good knowledge in plastic Domain with catia v5R21 software
Catia V5 R21
Class “A” surface feasibility study (Draft, Geometric & Curvature analysis).
Checking “A” surface with envo. and within parts for gap condition.
Creation of close volume from A-style surface and maintain uniform wall thickness.
Main Tooling direction study of part and also find tooling direction for lifter and slider.
B side features generation like dog house, clip tower, snaps, welding cylinders, locators
screw boss, ribs etc..
Dump to parametric creations.
Creating power copy of features.
Creation of interfaces for the features likes welding cylinder, clip tower, screw boss and
locator on part.
Locating of features on parts by considering RPS system with 3-2-1principle of Locating.
Providing solutions for undercut and plastic defects like sink mark, warpage considering
root thickness.
Checking part in DMU analysis by considering gap condition.
Extracting parting lines for different parts and features.