Global rank:
93,258 / 95,671
Skill pts: 0


Mechanical Design Engineer | Expert in CAD (SolidWorks), CFD, and FEA for product and system development. Skilled in thermal analysis, structural optimization, and engineering simulations using ANSYS, OpenFOAM, MATLAB, and Simulink. Passionate about innovation and efficiency in mechanical systems.


  • VIT pune B.Tech, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, A+ 2022 – 2026 (expected) Activities and Societies: worked For Collage FSAE team **Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering** – Specialized in CAD (SolidWorks), CFD, and FEA with a strong focus on product design, thermal management, and structural optimization. Experienced in advanced simulations using ANSYS, OpenFOAM, MATLAB, and Simulink. Driven by innovation and a passion for engineering excellence.

Other experience

  • Design and Development of BTMS system - Led the design and analysis of a Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) using SolidWorks, ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS Structural (for vibration analysis of the battery pack), and Simulink to enhance cooling efficiency and system reliability.
  • Design and analysis of catalytic converter in colabration with Atlas Copco Mechanical Design & Simulation Engineer

    - Worked on Atlas Copco's catalytic converter project focusing on CFD analysis and optimization to enhance efficiency and performance.
    - Specialized in CAD (SolidWorks), CFD, and FEA for product and system development.
    - Conducted thermal analysis and structural optimization using SOLIDWORKS ,ANSYS, OpenFOAM,
    - Experienced in engineering simulations, mechanical system design, and innovation-driven solutions


Joined: February 6, 2025

Last seen: February 23, 2025


English Full professional proficiency

Hindi Full professional proficiency

Marathi Native or bilingual proficiency

German Limited working proficiency


Pune, India