Global rank:
94,973 / 95,042
Skill pts: 0
2D & 3D Architectural Design 2D & 3D CAD Design, autodesk 2D & 3D Modeling 2D Layout Design 2D Structural Drafting 2D/3D AutoCAD 3D Modeling 3D Models 3D Piping Design 3D Piping Modelling AutoCAD Autodesk Revit Autodesk Revit MEP BIM 360 CAD Design Elevations Floor Plans Outfitting design & modeling ShipConstructor


I am fluent in AutoCAD 2D & 3D modeling, with 20 years of experience in the industry.
If you need 3D models, floor plans, elevations, arrangements, or details of structural, architectural, or piping projects, I can assist your team.
I have worked with oil & gas structures, drilling rig ships, navy ships, and architectural projects.
I enjoy my work and take pride in generating quality models, plans, and projects.


  • I.T.T. Technical Institute Assocates Degree, draft and desgin, 3.6 2001 – 2003