Global rank:
95,186 / 95,286
Skill pts: 0


During my student years, by actively participating in design and 3D printing processes,
I developed projects, and as a result, I improved my problem-solving, analytical thinking, and attention to detail.
I improved my skills. My work on reverse engineering, however,
by analyzing existing products, it reinforced my ability to develop innovative solutions.
At Akana Engineering and Ges Engineering, leading companies in the defense industry
Thanks to the summer internships I completed, I gained valuable experience in the industry.
In my graduation project, "Different Wave Geometries and Lengths in a Mini-Channel Heat Receiver"
The topic of "Investigation of the Effects of the Owner Projection and Cavity Addition on Thermal Performance"
I addressed it. As a result of the analyses I conducted using the Ansys Fluent software, this
I prepared a paper that is in the publication stage in the field. This project involves thermal analysis and
It allowed me to deepen my knowledge in the field of fluid mechanics.


  • Kırıkkale University Lisans, Mechacnical Engineering 2018 – 2023


Joined: March 8, 2025

Last seen: March 8, 2025


Turkish Native or bilingual proficiency

English Professional working proficiency


Ankara, Turkey