Global rank:
18,273 / 95,460
Skill pts: 0


Aeronitrix established in 2015 by the experts from Mechanical domain. Our expertise is in providing the best quality, efficient and cost effective engineering services. Highly qualified & experienced Engineers are working with the company dedicated to CAD/CAE/CFD domain, strong capabilities in domain specific and regulations training.
Aeronitrix is a flexible full-service organization that has some of the most talented, creative and dedicated personnel in the industry. The entire firm is focused on one purpose alone to deliver the result our clients expect so they can achieve the capital investment objectives they require to be successful.
We leave nothing to chance during the design process and regularly validate our design with techniques like Proof of Concept, FEA and CFD analysis and human interaction studies.


Joined: January 2, 2017


Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India