Global rank:
20,275 / 94,233
Skill pts: 0


We are a small product development firm. From concept to production and all steps along the way. We focus on helping entrepreneurs, as well as established companies, with bringing their napkin sketch to production ready models and engineering drawings. Prototyping using conventional and 3D printing methods. Products range from consumer goods to science laboratory equipment. Patent worthy engineering drawings and investor class 3D modeling available. We work with manufacturers around the globe to ensure the first design will be the right design for manufacturing.

Our team exclusively uses SolidWorks, but can export in nearly every method for manufacturers and investment presentations.

We pride ourselves on working fast, efficient, and with an extreme attention to detail. We often work projects that other designers and engineers fail. We would prefer to be your first designer, but are capable of picking up the pieces of your project and getting it back on track.


Joined: July 19, 2017


Locust Grove, GA, United States