Global rank:
20,459 / 95,239
Skill pts: 0
AMD Xilinx ISE CAD Design CorelDRAW Embedded Software Engineering Embedded Systems Engineering Intel Quartus Prime Java Programming MATLAB VHDL / VHSIC Automation Visual Studio


Reconfigurable and Embedded Digital Hardware Design Professional with major projects completed over 12-years of development work history targeting Altera FPGA’s, Xilinx FPGA's , Microchip MCU and Texas Instrument MCU/DSP. A team player and project lead designer, working closely with DSP and Software Developer regarding research and development of ASIC design work as required.


  • Preston University M.Sc Telecommunication Engineering, RF Design , Digital Communication and Wireless Communication 2017 graduation
  • University of California Irvine Certificate, DSP Systems Engineering 2012 graduation
  • Staffordshire University MSc Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering 2000 graduation
  • Punjab University Bachelor of Science, Physics and Mathematics 1997 graduation


Age: 54

Joined: August 2, 2017

Area of Expertise

