Global rank:
20,622 / 94,233
Skill pts: 0


As a qualified structural technician I bring over 6 years of experience in a wide variety of fields. These include structural concrete and steel design and draughting . I am dedicated, hardworking, and conscientious. I enjoy working in a team environment but am equally capable working on my own. I like to deliver quality work on time consistently
During these 8yrs my duties as a structural technician have included:
Detailing structural concrete layout and reinforcing (incl. bending schedules) using AutoCad & Pads,
Designing structural concrete and reinforcement.
Training staff regarding general office practice and how to deliver and prefer engineering drawings.
Working with the Engineers and attending site meetings and inspections.
Spending a year working in the Sheet Metal Industry, drawing and designing Communication Towers' components in 3d Autocad.

Currently, I am seeking to be employed on a part-time or contractual basis that would allow me to work from home.

Relevant qualifications: National Diploma: Civil Engineering
ECSA Registered Candidate Technician


  • Cape Peninsula University of Technology National Diploma, Civil Engineering 2008 graduation

Age: 40

Joined: August 22, 2017


Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa