Global rank:
8,870 / 95,045
Skill pts: 0


Shane started his career in 2005 as a freelance 3D artist for a Unreal
Mod by CrackedD3signs. Soon after he began freelance work for Iron Will
Games for their MMORPG called Ashen Empires. After relocating to Austin,
TX he later became a fulltime team member at Pixel Mine Games
continueing his work on Ashen Empires, and other projects. While working
for video game companies, he also worked in NetworkOps field for Time
Warner, with an extensive background in Cable Systems. After choosing
the career path of 3D Arts, he left Time Warner and focused primarily on
the video game industry. After leaving Pixel Mine Games, Shane started
working at Spiderwood Studios as the Lead Character Modeler, and then
became the Art Director. After working on the animation short film -
Flight of Magic, he worked on a handful of films in live production.
Then he went back into the 3D realm and started working at IBM as the 3D
Artist/Animator for hardware product tours. He still works at IBM, but
has taken on additional roles outside of his day job as a
Post-Production Manager for Launch Studios & Dimeworth Productions.
As well as Production Coordinator on Devils, Angels & Dating, and
Chairman for a local user group - AAUGA(Autodesk Animation User Group


Age: 42

Joined: July 20, 2012


TX, United States