Global rank:
21,994 / 93,561
Skill pts: 0


A Mechanical Engineering Graduate looking to learn and pursue design projects.
Currently working on design projects and service solutions for firms. My potential clients are companies who wish to improve their products and services or develop a new product altogether.
Some of my ideations involve New-BEE, an app for professionals moving to a new city that helps them find and connect with friends they meet at local events and has navigation to help them find local community centers in and around the area. Book-Mark is a reimagined book marker for the new generation with an inbuilt alarm clock and reading reminders. I goal is to be a design consultant for mobile applications and utility products.


  • Milwaukee School of Engineering BS, Mechanical Engineering 2014 – 2017 Activities and Societies: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Student Association (ISA)

Joined: January 25, 2018

Last seen: December 15, 2022


Milwaukee, WI, United States