
We are Team Of Four Members having 3ys of Experience in Design and Manufacturing. you can find our company website below. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
Strong Knowledge on 3D Modelling, Detailing for Manufacturing, Computer Aided Engineering . Good Hand Full of knoeledge on Giving Technical Suggestions on Mechanical, Aero Space and Auto Motive Systems.
Have Good Industrial Working and Reserch Knowledge on Various CAD and FEA Packages like Auto Cad, Catia V5, Solid Works, UniGraphics and Ansys Structural and Fluid Dynamics.
I have worked as a Design engineer for a period of 1 year 3 moths were I used to develop 3D Models and Detailing for the Auto Motive and Mechanical Industries. I used to Give the Technical Suggestions Based on the Problem Arised for the Food Processing and Food Storage Industries with Suitable Equipment Design and drafting to store and Supply the food. While Giving the Technical Solutions I used to Do FEA Analysis in Ansys To Study the PlM of the Suggested Technology to the Customers. People Can Find My Excuted Projects In this Term.
1. I have designed a food trolly to store and supply the food in Hospitals. The system contains a freezer to freez the food and a heater to heat the food and it can be operated by two men. It has provided the trays to place the food followed by two compartments with minimum gap to circulate the air to freez and heat the food. It has Provided two way doors to operate in either Directions and Provided the Detailing for the Whole Technology it took 45hrs.
2. I have done another project on Reverse Engineering on Two Car Models were I have designed The car Domes in Catia Surfacing and Successfully Excuted The Aerodynamics Studies On the Models these results are requested by the customers to use for the validation. It Has Taken totally 300hrs In the Design Phase and Another 200hrs in the FEA Phase.
3. I have done one more Project on Creating Standerd Test Pieces to use in the Prototype testing were I have designed the models in Catia and they have sent to 3D Printing with Compleate Detailing after the Prototype Testing results were Extracted from the Test and Validated in The Ansys To study their Mechanical Properties For the Composite AlSic MMC
Total 400hrs has taken to provide compleate validation to the customer.
4. Another Project Has Excuted on Plant Layout. A Plant Layout Has Created In Catia To Provide the Food Processing Layoutto the Customer. Compleate Lay out Has Delivered to the Customer With in 200hrs.
5. I have excuted project which has taken 6moths. Were I have managed a team of 11members designers and Draft mans to design and to provide Detailing to Couple of Manufacturing Machianary to change their Size and to convert them into Indian Standers. We have Excuted the Whole Project In 3Phases in first Phase All Assembly Componets were created with Compleate Detailing in second Phase Sub Assembly Drawings were Created with their Cad Model with the Sap Numbers to the All Componets with Compleate BOM Creation in the Third Phase All Sub Assemblies were Assembled and created a Final Product with Compleate Detailing.
These are the major Projects I Have Excuted In this Term.
After this I have Worked as Freelancer till March 2018 In providing Technical Solutions and to provide Detailing for the Manufacturing Units.
Now I am Working As a Design Engineer in Oil And Gas Domain to provide the Solutions for Onsite Coordinators to Design and Detailing For the Systems which are used in the Oil and Gas Fields.


  • CMR Technical Campus Bach. Of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering 2016 graduation


Age: 30

Joined: April 21, 2018


Bangalore, Karnataka, India