Global rank:
23,196 / 94,292
Skill pts: 0


Thank you for your time.
I am a master of architecture with the belief that sustainable architecture will shape the future of the world.
With over 5 years of experience, I have learnt to always put my clients and their needs first.
I provide architectural solutions for various projects including design and construction of residential and public buildings, town planning and interior design.
I have excellent skills in autocad(2d modelling), revit architecture(3d modelling), 3ds max(rendering and visualisation)and Photoshop.
I guarantee accurate translation of your idea, a professional attitude and deadline commitment. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


  • Ambrose alli university Master of architecture, Architecture 2018 graduation

Age: 31

Joined: May 19, 2018


Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria