Global rank:
23,322 / 93,611
Skill pts: 0


I was born in Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines on October 25, 1992 where i finished my grade school and high school. In 2009 I went to study my undergraduate studies at University of San Carlos in Cebu City, Visayas Philippines with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture and graduated year 2014. On July of 2015 I took up Master Plumber board exam and passed. After 3 years of diversified internship from C.S.O. Architects firm in Cebu City I took up Architect Licensure Exam on June of 2017 and passed. As of today i do freelancing work from small and medium size companies here in Cebu City and Butuan City.


  • University of San Carlos Diploma, Bachelor of Science in Architecture 2014 graduation