Global rank:
6,389 / 90,500
Skill pts: 5


+ Working in R&D Department.

- Develop ideas for new furniture.
- Do drawing for sample, detail drawing for production.
- Do BOM ( Bill of materials) hardware, wood, packing.
- Do cutting plan.
- Do assembly guide for furniture.
- Check sample for production.

+ Working in Designer team.

- Develop ideas for new furniture. Discuss with the design of new ideas for products. Unified ideas for products.
- Do the rendering for the product to look more realistic about new ideas ( about general shape, material, colour,....). If not satisfactory, then continue redesigned.
- Once the design is approved, start drawing for quotation and sampling. Ensure good product structure and reasonable price.
- Check samples after completion. Can change more if needed for more perfect product.
- Photoshop the designs according to the request


Age: 36

Joined: June 19, 2018

Last seen: January 28, 2023


Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam