Global rank:
24,391 / 96,093
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3D Print Design 3D Printing Modeling ANSYS Discovery AIM ANSYS Fluent ANSYS ICEM-CFD ANSYS Maxwell Render ANSYS Mechanical APDL ANSYS Workbench AutoCAD Autodesk Fusion 360 Compliance Engineering Electric Motor Design Electrical & Instrument Design Electronics Design Fortran Microsoft Office Microsoft SharePoint Model Making Prototype Design UL/CSA/VDE/TUV Handling


In August of 2017, after serving 33 years as an engineer in the electrical products industry, I decided to form a company to meet the unique needs that exist in the marketplace of today. That company is called Faithful Engineering, LLC. I served as a Vice President of Engineering for 20 of my 33 years in the product manufacturing industry, so there are very few engineering functions that I have not had some experience with. Let me show you what a difference that can make!


  • Purdue B.S., Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 2002 graduation


Age: 61

Joined: September 11, 2018


Fort Wayne, IN, United States