Global rank:
10,844 / 95,463
Skill pts: 0


Nikolay A. Rotaenko, 20 may 1953
Kharkov, Ukraine, mob.▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒, e-mail: ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒

• 20+ years of engineering experience in aerospace industry.
• Developing the commercial airplanes structures from concept layout through all engineering phases into production release.
• Advanced user of Catia V5 (9+ years).
• Excellent analytical skills.
• Good communication skills.


1970–1977 MS in Aerospace Engineering
1977, National Aerospace University, Kharkov, Ukraine
1987, 2008 Extension courses.

April 2009-Present Kharkov Aviation Factory, Kharkov, Ukraine
Commercial Aircraft Manufacturer
Position: Senior Design Engineer

Oct 2005-Oct 2008 TMM-Avia, Kharkov, Ukraine
Ultralight Aircraft Manufacturer
Position: Senior Design Engineer

Sep 1991-Apr 1997
Lilienthal LTD, Kharkov, Ukraine
Ultralight Aircraft Manufacturer
Position: Chief Design Engineer

Jun 1980-Sep 1991 Kharkov Aviation Factory, Kharkov, Ukraine
Commercial Aircraft Manufacturer
Position: Process Engineer

Mar 1977-May 1980 Tashkent Aviation Production Association, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Aircraft Manufacturer
Position: Design Engineer

Additional information:1981.12 - 1983.12 Military service in Soviet Army, engineer - senior lieutenant, air force.
1999.11 – 2000.06 Chief of department R&D of aviation technique of Institute Machines and Systems.
2000.06 – 2004.09 Deputy director on a sale, marketing and FEA in "Eltehcom"-Ltd.
2004.12 – 2005.09 Supernumerary director of R&D in the production company.
Remote participation in foreign(Spain) project of a wind-driven system. Propensity for invention and innovative activity. In intellectual asset - a few innovative projects, - in the different stage of working. German is base learning. English is correspondence with a dictionary and Soft-translator. Have experience working as a fitter aircraft . Private pilot (over 1000 hours).


  • MS in Aerospace Engineering 1977, National Aerospace University, Kharkov, Ukraine MS in Aerospace Engineering 1977, National Aerospace University, Kharkov, Ukraine 1977 graduation


Joined: March 13, 2014

