Global rank:
24,770 / 93,938
Skill pts: 0


I am Mohamed Salah , student at Nile higher institute for Engineering and Technology, Nile Academy For Science, 4nd year civil Enginnering ,, civil engineer with a cumulative average (3 out of 4).

I was 3st in order at (Btd) diploma which consists of studying technical office..and site engineer &some project management

In my free time i learning courses,to improve myself.
I love helping my colleagues and encouraging them to make positive atmosphere around us to unit our passion ,on the other hand i particpated in charity for feeding over 600 persons,giving over 2000 persons clothes,and building roofs for poor others as volunteer work.


  • Nile Academy For Engineering Bachelor's Degree , civil enginering 2019 graduation

Age: 29

Joined: October 23, 2018


Cairo, Dumyat, Egypt