Global rank:
5,582 / 93,296
Skill pts: 5


I loved Legos and erector sets since I was a young child which helped instill a passion for design. At the age of 17, I went to Fukuoka Japan as a foreign exchange student. After graduating high school, I joined the United States Air Force specializing in Explosive Ordnance Disposal which falls under the domain Civil Engineering and I obtained an associates degree based on my position. After completing six years of service to the Air Force, I followed my passion for helping people into the field of nursing where I obtained a bachelors degree from the University of Nevada Reno (UNR). While at UNR, I spent many hours in the engineering building honing my CAD skills and furthered my skills by acquiring a student license to practice with at home until I decided I was good enough to buy a commercial product license. During my time in nursing, I focused my time in the ICU, Neuro-Surgery, and Telemetry floors with minor assignments in the ED and Surgical suites. At present, I am looking for opportunities to become involved in product design using my commercial license for solidworks. I am willing to accept any challenge that comes my way.

Design Entries

Private project
Private project
Private project


  • University of Nevada, Reno BSN, Nursing 2016 graduation
  • Community College of the Air Force Associates, Explosive Ordnance Disposal 2010 graduation

Age: 39

Joined: February 14, 2019

Last seen: April 1, 2024

Connected Accounts


Boise, ID, United States