Global rank:
26,003 / 94,292
Skill pts: 0


As a young professional and recent graduate of WPI in Worcester, MA, I began work in 2017 at a medical device company developing new assembly and measuring equipment for our manufacturing process. That year I decided to also pursue a business degree while working full time. Excited by the opportunity to pursue my own business venture in mechanical design, something I had grown passionate about through my experience in the workforce, I bought a license of SolidWorks 2018. I have since used my design abilities in conjunction with this license to work on multiple unique projects for clients in addition to pursuing some of my own designs.
I am unique from a number of engineers my age in that I have a lot of experience with actually machining parts. Because the medical device company I work for is typically strained for capacity, I find myself developing my own prototypes on the mill or lathe. I also own a 3D printer which allows me to make functional prototypes for smaller models throughout the design process.
As a contractor, I can offer you three things: passion, efficiency and creativity. I look forward to hearing from you and I am eager to work together to create something amazing.


  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute Master's of Science, Business Management 2018 graduation
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute Bachelor's of Science, Mechanical Engineering 2017 graduation

Age: 29

Joined: February 15, 2019

Area of Expertise


Worcester, MA, United States