Global rank:
26,016 / 94,292
Skill pts: 0


I'm a Design Engineer who has worked in a globally recognized manufacturing firm for six years. I have an extensive track record across a diverse range of areas including: product designing, CAD/CAM, Mold Designing, product developing, manufacturing, machine maintenance and Technology Initiating. In addition to my skills and experience, I have a solid educational background by completing my 1st degree BTech Hons in Science and Technology (Mechatronics Special) in Uva Wellassa University, City & Guilds (UK) Advanced diploma inElectronics and MSc in Service Management (University Of Colombo)


  • University Of Colombo MSc, Service Management 2018 graduation
  • Uva Wellassa University (sri lanka) BTech (hons), Mechatronics 2011 graduation
  • City & Guilds (UK) Advanced Diploma, Electronics Engineering 2010 graduation