Global rank:
7,745 / 94,724
Skill pts: 2


Hello, my name is Phillip Keane, I am a graduate of Coventry University, ISU Strasbourg and NTU Singapore, where I studied Additive Manufacturing for aerospace at the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing.

I am skilled in design and manufacturing engineering, and product design. I don't use this site much but if you want to read my many happy ▒▒▒▒▒▒ reviews I can send you a link. Cheers!


  • NTU Singapore MEng, Aerospace / Manufacturing 2014 – 2018 Activities and Societies: Singapore Centre for 3D Printing, Writer for Asian Scientist Magazine, Phillip Keane is a British engineer currently residing in Singapore having studied 3D printing and other manufacturing methods at NTU Singapore.