Global rank:
26,871 / 94,988
Skill pts: 0
Analog Electronics Design Automation Design Automobile Components Modeling CATIA Conveyor Design & Automation DriveWorks Enclosure Design Gadgets Design Generative Design Engineering Lightweighting Automotive Engineering Mechanical 3D Design Mechanical 3D Modeling Mechanical Assemblies Mechanical BOM PCB Assembly SolidWorks SolidWorks Composer Structural Design Structural Design and Analysis Structural Detailing


Half of my life - is technology, engineering and gadgets. I've found my way when I was 15 years old - I've made my first PC case with led/fan control unit. My second lovve - cars and motorsport. Thats why I start studiyng in MADI (STU).


  • Chief Technology Officer Tabula Sense · Oct 2016 – Present 8 yrs 5 mos Moscow, Russia - new product development from sketch
    - development of the concept electronic devices
    - development of engineering procedures for adjustment of serial production
    - development and production of industrial equipment for the assembly area
    - calculation BOMs for all products
    - communication with Russian and international suppliers
    - implementation of ERP system at the enterprise
    - implementation of QRM and QFMA methodology
  • Senior Mechanical Engineer 766UPTK · Oct 2014 – Oct 2016 2 yrs Moscow, Russia In this company senior mechanical engineer has duties in various directions:
    - development of military autonomous mobile robotic complex control center and its modules within design and development work on the basis of KAMAZ. This product passes the procedural tests and according to their preliminary results are no substantive comments have been identified;
    - development of optical-electronic systems of machine vision, circular overview and aiming within design and development work. I discovered a new direction for myself and learned it from scratch. Now I am good at choosing components and suppliers for task solution, related to optical-electronic systems;
    - development of the information security system concept , the choice of the contractor, the adjustment of technical specification for the development and coordinating of works on the part of obtaining a license for the organization to develop and use the Information Security System.
    - organization of composite components purchases, search and selection of suppliers;
    - direct participation in the testing, concerning optical-electronic systems and mobile control center;
    - development of testing methods;
    - work with control and measuring systems, reverse engineering of products. Having experience with high-precision measuring devices, this company organized a Department of telemetry and control of products with my participation. This Department has a laser tracker and a 7th axial mobile coordinate measuring machine. There is also a certificate of training with a laser tracker;
    - one of the most difficult completed tasks was the organization of test launches of anti-tank guided missiles "Attack", where it was necessary to coordinate the work of the Department of programmers on hardware and software training with further departure to the polygon for test launches.
  • Chief Project Engineer KB2K · Oct 2014 – Oct 2015 1 yrs Moscow, Russia Carrying out duties of the technical director in this company, it was done the work on :
    - adjustment of production processes, including the application of the internal standard of technical documentation release from designers to production and purchasing department, entering the reporting form for designers and production;
    - negotiations with customers, coordination of design projects;
    - creation of external and internal estimates;
    - introduction of modern technologies and materials in the production of advertising structures;
    - coordinating of production and installation works on the facilities;
    - development of using VR-technologies in advertising;
    - staff recruitment.
  • Chief Project Engineer Global Events Production · Jul 2013 – Oct 2014 1 yrs 3 mos Moscow, Russia As the chief project engineer in this company I have implemented the following tasks:
    - development of exhibition structures and release of design documentation for production:
    - calculation of power elements for durability:
    - designer supervision in production;
    - participation in negotiations with customers to discuss project design and technical details;
    - algorithm optimization of standard elements development;
    - installation supervision works on the platforms;
    - coordination of contract works;
    - implementation of technologies for the use of non-standard materials and structural elements;
    - implementation of Scrum-method of project management in group.
  • Chief Project Engineer Promatomstroy · Mar 2012 – Jun 2013 1 yrs 3 mos Moscow, Russia Being in the position of the chief engineer of the project, I gained experience in:
    - project management from scratch to manufacturing of industrial equipment;
    - working in a team with a group of engineers-statement clear terms of reference, conduction brain storm to find rational solutions to complex technical problems;
    - negotiation with customers of industrial equipment to agree on all the details both technical and organizational (in terms of the creation plan of production, installation and commissioning)
    - search and selection the necessary subcontractors to accomplishment the production works, and inspire subcontractors to fulfill the liabilities in time;
    - creating of internal and external estimates. My motto- detailed assessment will make life easier for the customer and production.
    - selection and search of suppliers of processing equipment for the needs of the production department. The high-quality equipment – a guarantee of product quality - is my second motto.
    - establishment of engineering procedures in the production department to optimize labor costs for production of goods
  • Sales Engineer Ruselectro · Mar 2011 – Feb 2012 11 mos Moscow, Russia While getting second higher education, it decided to gain experience in the commercial sphere. And here it is:
    - active and passive sales of electric products have been successfully carried out;
    - carried out transactions "from application to shipment" with all necessary documentary support;
    - organized logistics of supply of products to regular customers;
    - the company was taken to tender platforms for accomplishment of state orders;
    - developed a network of business processes necessary for optimization of work with small and medium-sized clients.
  • Mechanical Engineer NEAL Group · Feb 2006 – Aug 2011 5 yrs 6 mos Msocw It was a collaboration. Working there was:
    - developed aluminum structures according to individual sketches of the customer (exhibition stands, roof elements, stairs, etc.);
    - carried out strength calculations of difficult structures;
    - carried out coordination of sketches and technical request with customers;
    - created full technical documentation for production;
    - carried out designer supervision in the production and installation of products;
    - developed industrial equipment for the production of serial products.
  • Mechanical Design Engineer Marussia Motors · Nov 2009 – Mar 2011 1 yrs 4 mos Moscow, Russia Studying at the 4th year in MADI, I didn't miss an opportunity to work in the domestic automotive industry. Working in this company I:
    - actively participated in the development of details and assemblies for Marussia cars (suspension elements, power elements of the engine compartment, etc.);
    - direct participated in the development of the concept of new models - development of the functionality of individual modules, to use of existing technologies in the automotive industry;
    - arranged technical documentation on company standards and unified system of project documentation;
    - performed reverse engineering of various details, using laser control and measuring equipment, carried out the collection of metrological data from the products for the adjustment of engineering procedures for the production of fiberglass matrixes;
    - exercised control and designer supervision over the production of details and nodes;
    - carried out an improvement of process of creating the technical documentation of the Department.


  • Academy of national economy under the Government of the Russian Federation Certified Specialist, Company management, 4.8/5.0 2010 – 2013
  • MOSCOW AUTOMOBILE AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Certified Specialist, Service of transport and technological machines and equipment, 4.0/5.0 2005 – 2010 Activities and Societies: Formula Student - chief engineer, 2006-2010 Since the young blood needed an object for the realization of the creative abilities, in the second year of study at Institute, I took part in the international Formula Student project where I gained experience in various fields, namely: - directed group of students (12 people), which has developed the design and configuration of a small sports car racing of Formula Student class in accordance with the international technical regulation SAE; - developed the design of the transmission, suspension elements, power frame, steering system of the race car; - organized tests of the car, with collection of telemetry data for further analysis and configuration of the systems modes of the race car operating; - effectively resolved the issues of preparation of financial documentation in the conditions of the bureaucracy of Institute; - the presentation of the project was held both at the regional and international level; - exercised designer supervision in the manufacture of car details via contractors; - took part as a co-organizer of the first Russian stage of the Formula Student.


Age: 37

Joined: May 6, 2019


Moscow, Moskva, Russia