Global rank:
28,804 / 94,930
Skill pts: 0


  • Industrial Designer GB Industrial Designs · Apr 2018 – Present 6 yrs 11 mos Sydney NSW, Australia Contracting design company working with a variety of clients to produce designs that are specific to the clients needs and desires. Utilising CAD and design skills to ensure the end result is achieved in a short frame of time with high quality results.
  • Designer BOS Oceansport · Feb 2016 – Oct 2018 2 yrs 8 mos Sydney NSW, Australia Designer and Manufacturing manager at an elite sports equipment company. Working closely with the manufacturers and athletes to develop and grow products to suit the changing market place and widen the companies access.


  • University of Technology Sydney Integrated Product Design - Honours, Design, Destinction 2017 – 2017 A highly selective honours program, taking the highest achieving students from the general course and giving them a self driven design task to generate an insightful and meaning designed product.
  • University of Technology Sydney Bachelor of Integrated Product Design, Design, High Distinction 2013 – 2016 An in depth and exciting design degree, teaching core skills and techniques utilised by industrial designers alongside skills from numerous other disciplines to produce graduates with knowledge of various processes and professions.


Age: 30

Joined: September 16, 2019


Sydney, New South Wales, Australia