Global rank:
11,507 / 93,296
Skill pts: 0


I am working towards a B.s. Aerospace Engineering degree at the University of Maryland - College Park. I am the Co-founder of a young tech company and have been a leader of various research efforts in the College Park, MD area. I have been through the challenges of product development and can bring your product to life in any phases of the design/prototyping stages. I served as a sub-team leader for the internationally famous Gamera Human Powered Helicopter project where I lead blade balancing tests for optimizing blade pairs for the quadroter helicopter. I used Solidworks, MATLAB, and LabVIEW - all extensively - during this position. I wrote C++ applications in my efforts to research optimized autonomous path planning for rovers. In addition to my physical contributions to the engineering community, I frequently freelance write on the topics of science and technology.